Patient Portal

What is myPRP?

myPRP is a smart new way to manage your images and reports. Now you don’t need to hold onto your previous films. Available as an app or through an online portal (web page), myPRP will securely store your images and reports, giving you the freedom to share these with your health care professionals as needed. myPRP lifts your health care to a new level – no more waiting for films or having to store your scans!

When can your images and report be viewed?

Your referring practitioner will receive a copy of your images and reports instantly. And you’ll have access to your images as soon as the reporting Doctor has reported on them. After the 7 days waiting period your scans and reports are available to you indefinitely.

How do I sign up for the myPRP app?

After your appointment, we’ll send you an invitation to join myPRP. This invitation will contain a link to activate your account and download the app. 


Image of Google play Logo of Apple app store


Is the app and online portal secure?

Yes, your data is stored on PRP infrastructure and is protected in line with PRP security. Your information is encrypted during transmission.

Can I share my images and reports with other service providers - or family and friends?

Yes, myPRP presents you with options to share your images and reports with medical specialists, service providers and even with family and friends. You can set a time limit on the shares and even revoke a share earlier if you choose. 

What happens to my data if I cancel my subscription?

We hope you won’t want to cancel your subscription. However, if you do, please let us know and we will permanently delete your myPRP account and all the associated images and reports.

Can I still receive films as well as / instead of using myPRP?

PRP cares about the environment, and with the support of most referring doctors PRP actively reduces our environmental footprint and does not routinely print films. However, we can provide a copy of your images on film or CD, simply let us know your preference when you arrive for your appointment.

How do I share DICOM images?

  • To share images in DICOM format (necessary for uploading to other providers systems for comparison), you will need to log into the website/desktop version of the portal (not the mobile app).
  • Once logged in, locate the scan you wish to export; click on the three dots (shown in image below), then select export:

Snippet from DICOM

  • You can then choose to export as JPEG or DICOM.
  • Enter the email address of the recipient and click export.
  • You will immediately be shown the download code needed for the recipient to access the imaging – they will not be able to open the imaging without this.