PRP's NIPT Service Information
Generation® Non-Invasive Prenatal Testing is a simple, yet highly accurate (lowest failure rate of any NIPT test) prenatal screening test. We do a viability scan and NIPT blood test around 11th week of pregnancy for both single, twin and IVF pregnancies.
PRP Offer NIPT as a bundle to provide a convenient, one-stop location for ultrasound and NIPT blood collection. For more information on the bundles, please contact your nearest PRP Diagnostic Imaging location.
A simple blood sample is taken from the mother to screen for the most common chromosomal abnormalities that can affect your baby’s health.
Generation® NIPT looks for missing or extra chromosomes, which are often associated with mental and physical disabilities. This includes testing for an extra copy of Chromosome 21 (Down Syndrome), an extra copy of Chromosome 18 (Edwards Disease), an extra copy of Chromosome 13 (Patau Syndrome) and (if requested) Sex Chromosomes.
All testing and data analysis is performed in Australia.
What happens during the procedure
We offer NIPT in conjunction with the essential obstetric ultrasound early anatomy scan
The ultrasound is then followed by a NIPT blood sample collection in order to screen for the most common chromosomal abnormalities that can affect your baby’s health.
Ultrasound uses reflected sound waves to obtain images of the unborn baby and pelvic organs. It is very safe and painless.
How long does it take?
An ultrasound takes approx 15-60 minutes depending on the complexity, followed by your blood sample being collected.
After your examination
There are no restrictions after having an ultrasound.
Your images and report
The Ultrasound report and NIPT results are delivered to your doctor after a minimum of 7 days.
Your doctor will then ask you to make another appointment to discuss the results.
What will my test results say?
Your test results will include one of two possible results:
- No Aneuploidy Detected or Negative Result = the expected number of chromosomes was found and no further invasive testing is required.
- Aneuploidy detected or a positive result = too many or too few copies of one of the chromosomes have been identified. This does not definitely mean that your baby has this abnormality. Further definitive testing is required which may include chorionic villous sampling or amniocentesis.
Please note that a structural scan at 13 weeks is essential as it scans your baby’s head, abdomen, bladder, spine and limbs looking for early signs of abnormalities in these structures, scans for any heart defects and also other chromosomal abnormalities. These cannot be detected by the NIPT scan.
Genomics offer a genetic counselling service, which your referring doctor may choose to arrange for you.