PRP's CT Calcium Score Service Information
CT calcium score measures the amount of calcified plaque in the arteries. It’s a quick, non-invasive test that takes around 15 minutes. Based on the result, we are able to estimate your risk of heart attack/stroke. Understanding your risk of having a heart attack or stroke is the first step in lowering your risk. Together with your doctor, you can then take steps to lower your risk.
One-fifth of Australians aged 45-74 years have a high chance of having a heart attack or stroke in the next five years. If you are over 45 years old, you can have a regular heart health check with your GP. They will check your cholesterol, blood glucose levels and blood pressure and, if appropriate, may refer you for a CT calcium score
No caffeine from midnight (no tea, coffee or chocolate).
Your Images and Report
After your examination, the most pertinent images from your study will be available on the myPRP patient portal. A report, along with the images will be sent directly to your referring doctor. PRP will store digital copies of all studies on our secure database for comparison with any future examinations.
Please bring any previous X-rays with you.
It is important that you return to your doctor with your examination results. Whether they are normal or abnormal, your doctor needs to know promptly so that a management plan can be formulated.
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