PRP's EOS Service Information
EOS imaging is a new standard of patient-specific care in spinal/musculoskeletal imaging and orthopedic care.
It provides low-dose 2D/3D full body, weight-bearing imaging including rapid 3D essential giving clinicians a global assessment of their patient in a functional position which is essential for pre and post surgical assessment.
Low dose EOS exams provide accurate 2D images and valuable anatomical 3D information throughout the patient care pathway. The Micro Dose further reduces radiation exposure without compromising the ability to generate 3D models. Using Micro Dose for follow-up, paediatric exams is another important step towards the ALARA principle (As Low As Reasonably Achievable) and is particularly important for patients with conditions that require frequent scans over the course of their treatment.
Please advise us beforehand
Please advise us if you are, or think you may be, pregnant.
Please bring your referral, Medicare and Pension Health Care Cards with any previous imaging relating to the region being scanned. You may be required to remove jewellery and clothing that contain zips or metal objects, as these items can interfere with the X-ray quality.
What happens during the procedure
It will depend on what area you are having X-rayed for an exact description of the procedure. However, generally;
You will be asked to change into a gown and stand in the EOS X-ray unit.
It is very important you remain still while your X-ray is taken.
How long does it take?
Images acquisition takes 20 seconds and the complete exam is done in under 4 minutes.
After your examination
There are no restrictions after having an EOS X-ray.
Your images and report
After your examination, the most pertinent images from your study will be available on the myPRP patient portal. A report, along with the images will be sent directly to your referring doctor. PRP will store digital copies of all studies on our secure database for comparison with any future examinations.
Please bring any previous X-rays with you.
It is important that you return to your doctor with your examination results. Whether they are normal or abnormal, your doctor needs to know promptly so that a management plan can be formulated.