PRP's CT Angiography Service Information
CT angiography is a procedure combining a CT scan with an injection of a contrast media to create pictures of blood vessels and tissues. You will have contrast injected through an intravenous (IV) line in your arm or hand.
Please advise us beforehand
If you have had an adverse reaction to a previous contrast injection or other drugs or if you have any renal impairment. We will ask you to complete a questionnaire before the examination and sign a consent to the contrast injection if it is required for your examination.
If you are, or may be, pregnant.
Fast 2 hours prior to appointment and drink 750ml water 1 hour before appointment.
Special precautions
You may not be able to have the contrast injection if you have had a reaction to a previous injection, or have significant renal failure.
Special instructions for diabetics
If your examination requires fasting, then book an early morning appointment and have your breakfast and diabetic medication after the examination.
If your examination will require an intravenous injection of contrast medium, we need to know your renal function. Please bring along the results of your most recent blood test creatinine level.
What happens during the procedure
You will be given a gown to wear, and then taken into the CT scan room and asked to lie down on the CT table.
In order to administer the contrast, a cannula will be inserted into a vein with the intravenous contrast given halfway through the CT angiogram. It is normal to experience a metallic taste in the mouth, a warm sensation in the bladder and a warm flush over the body. Rest assured that these will cease after a couple of minutes.
During the scan, you will be given instructions to keep very still and hold your breath as the images are taken.
How long does it take?
A CT Angiography takes approx 30 minutes to complete.
After your examination
There are no restrictions after having a CT Angiogram, however it is recommended that you have a high fluid intake for 24 hours in order to flush out the contrast from your system.
Your images and report
After your examination, the most pertinent images from your study will be available on the myPRP patient portal. A report, along with the images will be sent directly to your referring doctor. PRP will store digital copies of all studies on our secure database for comparison with any future examinations.
Please bring any previous X-rays with you.
It is important that you return to your doctor with your examination results. Whether they are normal or abnormal, your doctor needs to know promptly so that a management plan can be formulated.
Possible complications
Allergic reactions to contrast material can occur but significant reactions are rare, and generally respond to adrenaline. Our staff members are equipped and trained to treat contrast reactions.
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