Injections & Biopsies

At PRP we provide a full complement of imaging-guided injections and biopsies. CT guided Injections (typically spinal facet joint, foraminal/perineural and epidural injections and joint injections), ultrasound-guided injections (typically into joints, tendons and bursas) and CT or ultrasound-guided biopsies for tissue diagnosis. We also provide specialized musculoskeletal injections. All injections and biopsies are performed by sub-specialist radiologists who are experts in this field.

Dr Adam Steinberg

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Dr Alan Gunn

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Dr Alex Petersen

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Dr Allen Lee

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Dr Andrew Ong

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Dr Damon Jeetoo

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Dr Deepak Prasad

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Dr Duncan Snodgrass

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Dr Gordon Melville

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Dr John Makeham

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Dr Jonathan Lee

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Dr Kushlan Aluwihare

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Dr Mark Chapman

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Dr Michael Lannan

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Dr Prue Storer

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Dr Rohan Sabharwal

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Dr Royce Paschkewitz

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Dr Saurabh Khandelwal

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Dr Sean Khoury

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Dr Stephen Cahill

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